Fall Break
There will be no school for students this Friday, October 11. This will be an in-service day for our teachers.
Next week (October 14-18) is fall break. There will not be any school for students during this week.
Jennifer Nix-jnix@rabuncountyschools.org
Starla Shriver-sshriver@rabuncountyschools.org
Audrey Brown-abrown@rabuncountyschools.org
Amy Ledford-aledford@rabuncountyschools.org
Ana Contreras- acontreras@rabuncountyschools.org
Jill Fowler - jillfowler@rabuncountyschools.org
Vanessa York - vyork@rabuncountyschools.org
Back Row
Gertha Ramey, Trish Turner, Misty Williams, Ashley Bush, Alicia Whitfield,
Kristie Thompson, Kim Welch, Kim Bobo, Ayla Horner
Front Row
Lisa Boyd, Aline Yerena, Shannon Bleckley
Not Pictured: Tyler Wylie
Michelle Black- mblack@rabuncountyschools.org
Trish Vaughn-pvaughn@rabuncountyschools.org
Whitney Kelly-wkelly@rabuncountyschools.org
Tim Nix- tnix@rabuncountyschools.org
Leith McElroy- lmcelroy@rabuncountyshools.org
Joey Yoder, Supervisor
Greg Hooper, Marlan Keener, Darrell Lawrence, Cassie Nix
Nacoma Speed, Manager
Nicolas Welch, Tonya McCall, Betty Edmonds, Michelle Brewer,
Breanna Stalcup, Nacoma Speed, Ruth English, Miryiam Rodriguez-Castillo
There will be no school for students this Friday, October 11. This will be an in-service day for our teachers.
Next week (October 14-18) is fall break. There will not be any school for students during this week.