Individualized Education Program (IEP)

An Individualized Education Program (IEP) is a written document which is developed for each eligible student with a disability in accordance with the requirements of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA).  Once a student is determined eligible for special education services, an IEP meeting must be conducted. The purpose of the IEP meeting is for the team to develop an Individual Education Plan to meet the needs of the student.


  • parents

  • at least one regular education teacher

  • at least one special education teacher

  • a representative of the local school system (LSS) or state operated program (SOP) who is qualified to provide or supervise the provision of specially designed curriculum and is knowledgeable about the availability of resources

  • an individual who can interpret the evaluation results

  • the child, whenever appropriate

  • other individuals at the discretion of the parent/LSS/SOP


  • strengths of the child

  • current levels of performance

  • concerns of the parents

  • evaluation results

  • strategies, interventions, and supports if the student's behavior impedes the learning of himself or others

  • communication needs

  • assistive technology needs

  • related services needs


  1. Present levels of performance

  2. Annual goals

  3. Short-term instructional objectives

  4. Measured progress toward annual goals

  5. Statement about specific related services that support the student in the educational program

  6. Instructional adaptations to provide support in the educational setting

  7. Modifications of curriculum necessary for student success

  8. Explanation of the extent to which the student will not participate in the regular class

  9. Individual modifications needed for the student to participate in state and district-wide Assessments

  10. Statement regarding the Georgia Alternate Assessment (GAA)

  11. The projected date for initiation, frequency, and anticipated duration of service

  12. Location of services